Waste Management
Waste Management
House owners/residents are responsilbe for managing the disposal of their own waste. If you are a landlord and have your property rented please check with your tenants to ensure they are not using the communal bins. Landlords are responsible for their tenants actions and fines/charges will be imposed on those found illegal dumping.
The Mangement Comapny arranges the general and recyle waste collection for all other units (excluding the commercial). Unlike house owners this arrangement is included in their management fees. Residents are reminded in order to keep the bin stores clean & tidy that general refuse should be placed in black bags and disposed of correctly in the proper bins. Recycling bins are ONLY supplied for paper, mixed cardboard, aluminium and steel food cans. If you are a landlord please inform your tenants of this and ask them to leave any refuse in the designated areas; inform them that those found dumping illegally will be fined. In the interest of having a well-managed orderly complex please arrange the collection and disposal of obsolete household furniture or other contents, which must NOT be dumped at the waste disposal areas. When you buy a new appliance you are already covered for the re-cycling of old appliances. All it takes is a little management to organise the return of the obsolete item(s) on the same day. Do not store old furniture, mattresses, and obsoleted white goods in any of the common areas.
Collection days - General Waste is collected every Monday & Thurdsay mornings & Recyle every Thursday.
None domestic waste should be brought to the local fingal recycling centre on the Estuary Road, beside Swords Business Park 01-870422 or log on to www.fingalcoco.ie/enviroment/waste-and-recycling/